Sunday, September 8, 2013


Our house has become a hotspot for the hummingbirds. Here is a link to a video I took this morning :

Also, here are a couple pictures I took. Both the video and the pictures were taken on my Canon 7D. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A present to myself

I have been saving money for some time and got my bonus, so I decided to treat myself to a camera.  I have been using a Canon Rebel XT for the past year, and I must say it is a good little camera!  It is a much older model of the Rebel line, but I have been very pleased with it.  However, it is not mine.  It has been on loan to me.  So I really wanted a camera of my own.  I could have easily gotten a Rebel.  Loads of people use Rebels.  But in my opinion, the newer Rebels feel very plastic-y and too much like a toy camera. They are very small and I would often accidentally hit buttons I didn't mean to. I also do not like the flip out screens.  Why does one need a flip-out screen? I also wanted a camera with better low-light capabilities than what I was using.  I did my research and decided the Canon 7D would best suit my needs.  I like the added features and convenience of buttons so I can change my settings more quickly. But I still would not hesitate to recommend any of the Rebel line to anyone looking to purchase a DSLR.  

Just for fun, I did do a side-by-side comparison.  These are unedited photos taken with the same lens and the same settings.  I am definitely pleased with my purchase, and can't wait to shoot another wedding!

The 7d does seem to produce brighter colors and sharper images.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Spring Break 2013

Well, I made my annual pilgrimage to Wichita for Spring Break, and it was definitely not what I expected.  My little niece was super-duper sick, and so was my mom.  So I spent the week mostly indoors and we didn't get to do our normal zoo trip and other fun things.  Anyway, I did manage to get some snaps of my niece in the rare moments when she was feeling well, as well as some of beautiful sister.  Enjoy!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Here we go again...

So Tuesday after a long day of standardized testing at school, the hubs and I decided to go to a nearby town for dinner.  As we were waiting at the stoplight, we suddenly heard a BAM! and the car shook.  I looked at my husband and said, "Are you @*!&%*$! kidding me??!"(mostly because this would be the 2nd time I had been rear-ended in this same car!) and then looked behind and saw an older Chevy Blazer halfway wedged into the back end of my car and the ginormous cattle trailer in the lane next to us.

The husband was driving so he got out of the car as did the other people.  The driver of the other car ran off to talk to someone else in traffic but his wife started apologizing and said their brakes went out.   I took down their license plate number before we moved off to the side of the road, just in case.

We pulled over and I called the cops.  While I was on the phone, my husband comes back from talking to the people and says they wanted to know if we would follow them to a gas station because they were about out of gas.  Seriously?!  You hit my car and want me to run errands with you?!  No.  We did not go to the gas station.

The cops get there and do their thing and we find out that the people who hit us have no insurance. Winning!  So, that just makes me even madder than I already am.  They keep apologizing, but that was just making me even more pissed because they are also telling us they knew their brakes were bad and my husband said they had taped their brake lines with electrical tape, trying to keep the fluid in!  If we weren't there for them to run into, they could have ended up in the intersection getting killed or killing someone else!  They had NO business driving a car without insurance, let alone one they knew the brakes didn't work on!

Anyway, the police said they would be taking one of them to jail, so that made me feel slightly better.  My insurance rocks and I already have my car in the shop and a rental car!  So by April 19th I should have my car back.  Why is that taking so long? Well...they have to replace the bumper and rear tail light, and if they can't fix the side panel, they will have to replace that too. If the paint doesn't match well, I will have one patchwork looking car! Thanks, stupid morons. 

Friday, November 23, 2012


Yesterday was Thanksgiving.  We hosted the dinner and I cooked a turkey by myself!  Thankfully I had some help from Facebook when I couldn't locate the giblet bag.  We had kind of smelled some plastic and my husband was trying to blame it on my oven bag.  No, no.  It would be the giblet bag that was still in the turkey.  Luckily the bird had only been in the oven for 20 minutes and we were able to fish out the bag before a total catastrophe occurred.

We had a small gathering.  My husband's aunt and one of her daughters attended, along with her SIL and grandson.  Her son's daughter also attended.  And the husband's uncle too.  We had a ton of food and it turned out ok.  Thankfully I bought a small turkey, so I don't have much for leftovers.

In other news...I got to help shoot a wedding earlier this month and that was my first real test of shooting in manual mode.  My pictures came out better than I expected and everyone was pleased.  That's a good feeling! 

Last weekend I got to enjoy the perks of working with photographers and was able to get my pictures taken for our Christmas card this year.  I edited the pics and designed my own Christmas card, so I am pretty excited to send them out this year.  Here is just one of the pics from the shoot...I may share the Christmas one later.  I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving!