Saturday, March 5, 2011

Here we go again!

If you know my husband, you know he likes tends to change jobs quite frequently. a couple weeks he will no longer be an auto mechanic. He will be working for the City of Rusk in the Public Works department.

I think this will be a good change. He'll be making more money, have health insurance once again, and won't be coming home covered in grease. Did I mention he'll have health insurance??? That is the main thing that has really bothered me about the mechanic job. No insurance! It costs waaaaaay too much to put him on mine and I worry about him being an old man with no insurance. I'm glad I won't have to decide now if it would be cheaper to plan a funeral than pay medical bills.

Anyway, that's the latest news from the Beck household.


  1. LOL! Yes, that is a wonderful thing not to have to worry about! So what was he doing before that he came home covered in grease?? And what will he do in the public works department? Isn't that the water department? Please don't tell me he'll be in the sewer.

  2. He was an auto mechanic before this job. And yes, Public Works is pretty much the water dept. :)
