Monday, August 1, 2011

That Darn Cat!

This morning I was enjoying my coffee and watching the episode of "Drop Dead Diva" I had DVR'ed last night when I heard a *clunk* in the ceiling.  I kind of shrugged it off and kept watching tv.  A few minutes had passed and I heard another clunk.  Michael's cat was on the floor in front of me and she looked up at the ceiling at the same time I did.  So I went upstairs to investigate and didn't see anything.  Back to the tv.  A few minutes later I hear another clunk.  That's when it hit me.  My own cat was nowhere to be found.  I went into the bathroom and called her name and heard a meowing by the air vent.  Yep.  That darn cat was in the ceiling!

How did she get there you ask?  One of the bedrooms upstairs has an access panel to the bathtub pipes for the adjoining bathroom.  Michael is going to start fixing up that room and for some reason he took the access panel off yesterday and left it off.  There is just enough space for the cat to crawl under the bathtub and down a hole by the drainpipe for her to have free range of the space beneath the floor, or above the ceiling, however you want to look at it.

So the stupid cat was clunking around the ceiling.  After trying a few things, unsuccessfully, she finally finagled her way back up through the hole she went down to begin with.  She only lost a few clumps of fur on the way out.  Dumb cat.

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