Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! (a little late)

My family came to visit us for Thanksgiving this year and it was awesome (and exhausting)!  We had a really good time and our first attempt at a Thanksgiving feast turned out really well.  The turkey was delicious and so were the other dishes.  Besides doing a lot of eating and washing of dishes, we did get out of the house some too.  My mom, sister, and I went to the movies and saw Breaking Dawn Part 1 one evening and it was really good!  The whole gang went to the zoo on Friday afternoon and enjoyed the beautiful weather.  Then on Saturday it was rainy and dreary, so the highlight of the day was family photos! (Or maybe it was playing Guitar Hero for hours with my mom and husband.)  Anyway, I spent many hours crocheting these scarves for a few of the pictures and they were all good sports and wore them!  So it was one of the best Thanksgivings I have had in a while.  Here is one of the pictures we took on Saturday at Confetti Photography.  I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Neverending Project Room

The last room to be painted before the holidays is now done.  It only took a little over forever a month.  I dubbed the room the "neverending project room" (to be sung to the theme of the movie, The Neverending Story) because every time I thought we were going to finish, something happened that prevented the project from being complete.  But now, it is finished!  Well, mostly.  There are a couple minor things that need some attention.  Anyway, here are some before and after pictures. 

This is the computer room that is right at the top of the stairs in our house.  This is how it looked shortly after we moved in.  The 2-color walls are accented with a grapes border, and then the curtains are some floral pattern.  I'm not sure who thought this whole combination looked good.

This is the same corner of that room now!  The color is called Sugared Lemon, and it really is a warm-toned yellow color that I love.  I decided to accent with red curtains because I just like the way that looks. 
This is another before shot by the actual staircase railing.

This is the staircase area now.  I painted the baseboards the same color as the walls in this room because they are all different sizes for some unknown reason.  I like the way it looks.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Texas is one of 50 states

So today is Veterans' Day and we had a little program at school this morning.  They were playing some patriotic music before the program started, as the kids were coming in and getting breakfast.  One of the kids that I had last year came up to me and asked me if I liked that music.  I said, "Of course I do, I am proud to be American."  She then asked me where I was born and when I told her I was born in Kansas she exclaimed, "You are not an American!"

Good grief. 

I then explained to her that Kansas is a state in the United States of America, just like Texas is a state.  She then asked me where Kansas is located, and I explained that.  She then looked at me with a straight face and said, "That's why you have that accent.  You have an accent."  And she walked away.

Really?!  When I first moved to Texas I was asked all the time where I was from because I wasn't twangy like everyone else in East Texas.  Not long after I would go back home and be told how "country" I sounded.  So I think I am stuck in accent limbo.  In Kansas I sound like a hick now, and here I still get called "Yankee" from time-to-time by adults and now kids.  I just can't win.