Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Yes, this is really a post about ham.  I hate shaved deli style ham with a passion, but will eat the mess out of a big ol' ham.  Maybe once a month we will buy a ham and I will score it, shove cloves in it, and maybe top with some pineapple and let it heat up.  Then we will feast on what was a pretty "traditional" ham dinner at my house when I was growing up (ham, mashed potatoes, and corn).  After that, we have a ton of leftover ham because there are only the two of us.  So I have learned how to be creative with using up the rest of the ham.  I have youtubed how to make omelettes, so I love to dice up some ham and make a ham-and-cheese omelette.  We *love* cheesey potato casserole, and diced ham goes beautifully into that.  And for the first time ever, I made ham salad and it was surprisingly good.  I was thinking it would be kind of barfy, like tuna salad, but I found I recipe online that I not really somewhat followed because the husband and I like and don't like different things.  The recipe called for ham (of course) and hard-boiled eggs.  Also mayo, parsley, lemon juice, and minced onion.  I changed the sweet pickle relish to dill pickle relish because neither one of us is too fond of sweet pickles.  I omitted the red bell pepper because my husband refuses to eat anything a bell pepper has been in.  I left out the cayenne pepper altogether.  I plopped this concoction on an onion roll and gobbled it up.  The lemon juice and dill pickle relish gave it a nice tang that kind of counter-acted the sweetness of the ham (that I had put brown sugar on when I originally cooked it).  So now we still have a little bit of ham left over.  Do you have a favorite ham recipe? (Don't suggest ham and cheese sandwiches, because those make me wanna yak too.)

1 comment:

  1. I've never bought a ham! My Mom thought that pork was an unhealthy meat so we never had it growing up and it just never occurs to me to buy it now. Though I do love it on Easter!! So I have to say, I don't have any recipes for you....oh wait!! You could put it in split pea soup!! This one is SO good (hope I didn't make you yak):
