Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fun Times

Last night we had a line of storms move through the area (you may have heard about the tornadoes in Dallas).  Our power here only flickered briefly, but I woke up to the news that only 1 of the campuses in my school district had power, so we would be starting school late today.  Of course I was thrilled to be able to go back to bed for a little bit!  When I arrived at the school at 10:30, I was told that the power company didn't expect to restore power until 8:00 tonight, so we would feed the kids lunch and dismiss at 12:30!  So for two hours in the dark we colored pictures and played games.  A few kids didn't even show up to school, and the kids were too wound up to really do anything more meaningful.  For some reason it seems to be really exciting to be at school in the dark with toilets that don't flush (because they are those self-flushing toilets that require electricity).  Of course I had a few kids ask me if we could just watch a movie or something...and I just had to shake my head and laugh. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that sounds like a dream day for both teacher and students! I'm glad you guys didn't get the tornadoes! You got enough of those in KS, it would be cruel to get the worst part of KS in TX, while you left the best behind!
