Sunday, June 10, 2012

I'm totally turning into my parents

For reals.  I am totally turning into my parents, and I don't know how to stop it.  Maybe I should just embrace it.  My latest transition has been dishes.  Yes, dishes.  More specifically, washing dishes.  Our house has a dishwasher.  For many years we have used the dishwasher and for many years we have re-washed dishes and scraped pieces of dried on food off dishes.  I guess the husband and I finally came to our breaking point.  It may have been partly that the dishes weren't coming clean all the time, and partly that it takes the two of us forever to fill up the dishwasher, so we would run out of bowls constantly.  So we have purchased a dish drainer and have begun to hand wash our dishes. *gasp!*  Now we say stuff like, "think of all the water and energy we are saving!".  "Look how clear our glasses are becoming!"

So, you might be wondering how in the world washing dishes means I am turning into my parents?  Well, once upon a time, a long, long, looooong time ago, they had a dishwasher.  Then they decided it wasn't getting their dishes clean and could use the cabinet space, so they began washing their dishes by hand.  Every night, after dinner.  Just like the husband and I are doing now.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Here I go again!

So school is finally out for the summer!  I am counting down the weeks to our Ireland vacation!  In the meantime, a friend and myself have signed up at a local gym that opened last fall and is different than the other gym in town because this one offers about 55 classes a week.  You pay your dues and attend what you want.  (There is no contract or sign-up fee, you just pay month-to-month, which is nice!)  We started going to classes on Monday morning. Now, it's Friday evening, and every single inch of my body hurts.  I have been sore all week long, but have gone back each day to work through the pain and get stronger.  But now, I am glad I don't have a class the next two days!  (Ok, so there is a boot camp and a spin class tomorrow, but since I am new to this I think I should rest. Ha!)

So far I have attended two spin classes and my hiney is so not used to bicycle seats!  OUCH!  Spin was the first class I attended, and at one point I seriously thought I was going to pass out.  But I went again today and it was much better.  My "sit bones" still hurt something fierce though.  I also attended some stretching/yoga type class, which was nice.  Tuesday I had to work, so I went to a circuit training class in the afternoon and about died again.  (Did I mention that most of these classes are 1 hour long?)  Wednesday was our last day of work and I decided to give the body a break.  Thursday I went to shadowboxing (but we got to put gloves on and punch stuff..score!!!) for an hour, and then did another class called "Body Slay".  I think that is what has finally caught up with me today as I feel slayed.  That was a class where you do all sorts of exercises holding a weighted (mine was 12lb) bar the entire time.  Then today I decided to go to spin and then try the abs class.  Spin was much better today, I didn't feel like passing out.  The abs class...well, let's just say I tried.  I have like zero abdominal muscles, and I am pretty sure I banged the hell out of my back doing situps since I can't really slowly go back down (because of the lack of ab muscles) so I just slammed back down on the floor instead.  Repeatedly.  Good times. 

Now I am in misery.  Ok, I may be a little over-dramatic, but I did get out of doing dishes tonight.  I can't wait until next week so I can do it all over again!