Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ireland Trip Part 4...Cliffs of Moher and Doolin Cave

After we spent a lovely morning at Bunratty Castle and Folk Park, we drove on to the Cliffs of Moher.  When we arrived we noticed the wind was blowing pretty great, and it was definitely chillier.  It was also super-duper foggy!  Pretty much the entire time we were in Ireland the sky was covered in clouds and it sprinkled on us a little each day.  The Cliffs are simply breath-taking.  They are also somewhat famous, being the "Cliffs of Insanity" in The Princess Bride, and they also make an appearance in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.  Anyway, there is a nice exhibition center, a few shops, and then of course the Cliffs.  There was a safe trail to walk along part of the way, and then we came to a fence that said "DANGER! KEEP OUT! PRIVATE PROPERTY!" that everyone and their dog were hopping over to keep walking along the cliffs.  So, we trespassed with the rest and got some more  pictures and maybe got a little too dangerously close to the edge.  If it hadn't been so foggy, we might have paid the extra euros to climb up in O'Brien's tower, but the further up we got, the less of the cliffs we could see due to the fog.

So after we had our fill of the cliffs, we saw a sign on our way out for Doolin Cave.  So we drove on a little bit further and visited the cave.  This was the first cave I've ever been in that wasn't part of an exhibit at the zoo. Afterwards, I decided I am not a cave person.  I didn't like the water dripping on me, stepping in puddles, crouching through narrow passageways, hitting my helmeted head on the cave ceiling, or the overall spookiness of it.  But we did see what the dude said was one of the largest free-hanging living stalactites in the world.  It was pretty cool I guess.  So we stared at it for a while, learned more history of the cave which was interesting, and then climbed the 120 steps back up to the top.  Again, I'll leave you with a few pics.
Us at the Cliffs of Moher
Cliffs of Moher

The great stalactite at Doolin Cave

The great stalactite at Doolin Cave

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