Friday, July 29, 2011

3 Weeks and Progress!!!

So, I did my weekly weigh-in this morning and...the number went down 1.6 lbs from last week!  I guess my body was in shock of all the exercise and smaller food portions that it just took it a couple weeks to readjust.  I read a few articles that suggested the initial weight gain could be the body retaining more water for energy use.  Anyway, I feel loads better and if I don't gain any next week (or even have another loss) I will convince myself that I don't have some serious medical condition!  (I've used WebMd to diagnose several possibilities...I hate that website.)

I have been making myself eggs and toast with peanut butter all week to get my protein in the morning.  I also started drinking at least 8 glasses of water of day.  Let me just say, that if you decide to start drinking more water, make sure you are somewhere where you can stop to pee every 30 minutes.  That's all I did the first 2 days.  I even got up twice during the night, and I never do that.  But by the end of the second day, my body seemed to reset itself to the increase in water and I have been back to normal.

Well, I just thought I should give an update since I was so irritated last week. I will report on this again when I have an impressive number to share! I will be sharing pictures from the latest house renovation soon.  :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I've freaked myself out many times by trying to diagnose what might be wrong with me by Googling the symptoms. Once I was convinced I only had hours to live and I asked Dennis, "If I die tonight, will you go on my facebook page and blog to let everyone know so they won't wonder what happened to me?" LOL! Thankfully, I survived whatever it was that was ailing me. Glad you are doing OK and showing weight loss! Water is so good for us, even if we aren't trying to lose weight, and I try to drink a lot on a regular basis. It's not as easy to keep my hubby & Dad hydrated!
