Thursday, July 7, 2011

Confessions of a Sugar Addict

Remember way back in January when I was so excited about the Biggest Loser game for my Wii and that I was losing weight?  I did that game religiously and was down 12 pounds by Spring Break!  I was so close to getting the one pair of shorts I was only able to wear one summer zipped back up without a struggle.  Yep.  Those were the good old days.

Spring Break came along and the workouts stopped.  I started eating sugary delicious ice cream again.  The Coca Colas were being guzzled left and right reintroduced into my formerly cola-free world.  The workouts didn't resume.  Before I knew it, Easter was upon us and with Easter comes the most delicious candy!  Starburst Jellybeans and Reese's Eggs, anyone?  And the chocolate bunnies!  Oh, and then there was the clearance candy after Easter.  More Reese's eggs!!! 

I did a workout here and there, but that number on the scale was climbing.  Then came my birthday and Cheesecake Factory.  Oh, and a Butterfinger Blizzard cake from DQ.  Then a couple weeks later it was Memorial Day weekend and we had company and cooked out 3 times in 2 days.  My stomach hurts just thinking about all that food.  Was I working out at all at this point?  NOPE!  To top it all off, it was the end of school, and with that comes donuts and retirement cakes.  Sugarpalooza!

The end result of all of this....I gained all 12 pounds back.  Yep.  Every.  Single.  One.  Those shorts are collecting dust at the top of my closet because there is no way in hell I could squeeze those suckers on.  So, after my last pan of brownies for the 4th of July, I am getting serious again!  No more night time sugar-snacks.  No more Cokes.  We brought the elliptical downstairs where it's cooler and I have access to TV.  I have the Biggest Loser that I still do.  And the newest weapon in my fat-fighting arsenal is Zumba Fitness for the Wii.  It has been a good, sweaty week so far.  And for the first time, I actually laughed during a workout.  Yes, laughed! It was a big change from the usual expletives I scream huff at Bob and Jillian. Today was my second day doing Zumba and it is so much fun.  It's so stinking hard, I get a stitch in my side just after the warm-up, but it is fun.  I know I am not doing any of the moves remotely right, but I have a blast just trying.  There is a lot of hip shaking and shimmying, which was the cause of my laughter.  If I could see myself, I know it would be hilarious.

Anyway, I know for me exercise and cutting back the sugary junk will work on getting the weight off.  Here's hoping I can stick to it for more than 2.5 months this time.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you, girl. I fell off the wagon and just got back on this week, too. We can do it! ~A fellow sugar addict
