Saturday, October 22, 2011

FaceTime is Awesome-sauce!

Ok, I have been an Apple fan for a while.  Their products are so easy to use and are just spiffy overall. (No, Apple doesn't compensate me for my opinions.)  So after 2 1/2 years of rockin' an iPhone 3GS, I decided to upgrade when the 4S was announced (though I'm sure it will be out-of-date next summer, as is what seems to happen in the world of Apple...for a fairly accurate representation of what it's like to own Apple products, go here:

Anyway, I know I am late to the FaceTime party because iPhone 4 users have had that for over a year.  But the other night I finally got to try it!  My sister, who lives 500 miles away, also has an iPhone.  We did a FaceTime call and it was so awesome to actually see her in real time!  I was rather impressed with the sound quality on speaker phone, and the video only lagged once on my end (I don't know about on hers).  I remember being little and hearing that "in the future" people would be able to make video calls, and if you watch Spaceballs or Romy and Michele's High School Reunion, you can see what I imagined video calls would look like.  So I am super-excited that the future has arrived.  Text messages and emails are fine, but sometimes it is good to actually see the other person, when you don't get to but a few times a year.

1 comment:

  1. That is pretty darn cool, girl! Glad you have a way to see your family--this is perfect for you. Good thing I hate phones, I will never fall prey to Apple! I looked at that comic and DIED and then I had to look at more of their comics, so I killed some precious time, but it was fun.
