Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tall Tales

Being around loads of children day in and day out, I am constantly reminded that I am a tall person especially when I get told, "you are tall!" or asked, "how tall are you?" at least 5 times a day.  I know.  In a world of short people, I am tall at 5'10".  If I hung around supermodels, I would fit right in (at least in the height department). Anyway, I have been tall all of my life and have never thought much about it unless I was shopping for pants and couldn't find any long enough.  Sure, I would have random adults ask me if I played basketball or volleyball when I was growing up, which was kind of annoying.  Just because I am tall doesn't mean I am athletic in the slightest.  And just because I am tall doesn't mean I don't like pretty things.  High heels are pretty, pretty things.  I got my first pair of heels in 5th grade.  They were pale pink and had pink bows on the back.  My mom wasn't real sure I was old enough to get them yet, but if I remember correctly my dad is the one who said it was ok.  I got to wear them to church on Sundays. Ever since then I have been drawn to shoes with heels and have owned many, many pairs.  When I lived in Kansas, people there never seemed to point out the fact that I was tall. But these past 10 years I have lived in Texas, people feel the need to constantly remind me that I am tall and point out that I am taller than my husband. (I guess we weren't aware there was a rule that the man has to be taller.) And it's not just the kids at school.  When I wear heels there have been plenty of adults who say things like, "You are tall enough, you don't need to wear heels!" UGH!  If I wanted an opinion on whether or not I have any business wearing heels, I would ask for it.  But as it is I don't care if someone thinks I am too tall to wear heels or not! My husband doesn't care if I wear heels, and I *like* to wear them because they are pretty and make me feel more dressy than when I wear flats.  I plan to continue wearing them for as long as my feet will let me. So there.  I have a killer new pair of heels to debut this week, so I guess I need a snappy comeback for any "average" adult who has something to say about it.  Any suggestions? :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Dinner and a Movie

The husband and I both had today off (MLK holiday) so we surprised ourselves and were spontaneous on a Sunday night!  I got home from what I jokingly call my "second job" (which is doing makeup for the diva birthday parties some local photographers hold) and asked him if he wanted to go to a movie...and he actually said yes.  We are boring people who rarely go to movies together, so I was super excited!  We went to dinner first at Chuy's, and I have decided that it's not all that great.  People raved and raved about that place, and now I have eaten there twice and have yet to be blown away by the food or service.  Then we went to see "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo".  I have read all the books and have seen all the Swedish films, and wanted to give the US version a chance to knock my socks off.  Unfortunately, I don't think it was much different or any better than the Swedish version.  True, I didn't have to read subtitles and Daniel Craig is a much nicer looking Mikael Blomkvist than the other guy is.  But I think the Swedish film was just fine and this US version really didn't need to be made.  It's kind of like "Let Me In"...I saw the Swedish version first and it was just as good.  Anyway, I was also wanting to see the movie because Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross wrote the score, and if you know anything about me you know that Trent can almost do no wrong in my eyes.  The music was a great fit with the movie and overall I did like it.  But if I had to choose a version that was my would be the foreign film.  Hands down.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's The End of the World as We Know It

I actually have had 4th graders ask me if the world is ending this year, since it is now 2012.  I told them I highly doubt it.

The husband and I had a pretty mellow New Year's celebration.  I guess because we are old.  We went to a local lake and had dinner at the marina's restaurant.  The restaurant was packed full of people in the 65-and-over crowd.  We were all there to watch the fireworks that were to begin at 5:30 but didn't actually start until 6:30.  Then we came home and I watched Dick Clark countdown as the ball dropped at 11:00 p.m. here.  I was just expecting to watch it again at midnight my time, but noooooooo.  In the middle of a Lady Gaga performance the station suddenly switched over to a New Year's Eve from Mobile, Alabama.   Our "sister-station" was presenting this crap.  I call it crap because apparently Mobile is the home of the Moon-pie.  You know, that nasty chocolate-covered marshmallow cookie thing?  So now we were watching a bunch of drunk rednecks waiting to watch the giant Moon-pie drop!  Seriously.  How backwoods does it get?!  I'd rather watch a opossum drop.