Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's The End of the World as We Know It

I actually have had 4th graders ask me if the world is ending this year, since it is now 2012.  I told them I highly doubt it.

The husband and I had a pretty mellow New Year's celebration.  I guess because we are old.  We went to a local lake and had dinner at the marina's restaurant.  The restaurant was packed full of people in the 65-and-over crowd.  We were all there to watch the fireworks that were to begin at 5:30 but didn't actually start until 6:30.  Then we came home and I watched Dick Clark countdown as the ball dropped at 11:00 p.m. here.  I was just expecting to watch it again at midnight my time, but noooooooo.  In the middle of a Lady Gaga performance the station suddenly switched over to a New Year's Eve from Mobile, Alabama.   Our "sister-station" was presenting this crap.  I call it crap because apparently Mobile is the home of the Moon-pie.  You know, that nasty chocolate-covered marshmallow cookie thing?  So now we were watching a bunch of drunk rednecks waiting to watch the giant Moon-pie drop!  Seriously.  How backwoods does it get?!  I'd rather watch a opossum drop.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Seriously? A moon pie! BWAH! As for the world ending, I think we can pretty much count on the world NOT ending if there is a prediction of any kind that it will, for according to scripture, it will be a surprise.
