Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tall Tales

Being around loads of children day in and day out, I am constantly reminded that I am a tall person especially when I get told, "you are tall!" or asked, "how tall are you?" at least 5 times a day.  I know.  In a world of short people, I am tall at 5'10".  If I hung around supermodels, I would fit right in (at least in the height department). Anyway, I have been tall all of my life and have never thought much about it unless I was shopping for pants and couldn't find any long enough.  Sure, I would have random adults ask me if I played basketball or volleyball when I was growing up, which was kind of annoying.  Just because I am tall doesn't mean I am athletic in the slightest.  And just because I am tall doesn't mean I don't like pretty things.  High heels are pretty, pretty things.  I got my first pair of heels in 5th grade.  They were pale pink and had pink bows on the back.  My mom wasn't real sure I was old enough to get them yet, but if I remember correctly my dad is the one who said it was ok.  I got to wear them to church on Sundays. Ever since then I have been drawn to shoes with heels and have owned many, many pairs.  When I lived in Kansas, people there never seemed to point out the fact that I was tall. But these past 10 years I have lived in Texas, people feel the need to constantly remind me that I am tall and point out that I am taller than my husband. (I guess we weren't aware there was a rule that the man has to be taller.) And it's not just the kids at school.  When I wear heels there have been plenty of adults who say things like, "You are tall enough, you don't need to wear heels!" UGH!  If I wanted an opinion on whether or not I have any business wearing heels, I would ask for it.  But as it is I don't care if someone thinks I am too tall to wear heels or not! My husband doesn't care if I wear heels, and I *like* to wear them because they are pretty and make me feel more dressy than when I wear flats.  I plan to continue wearing them for as long as my feet will let me. So there.  I have a killer new pair of heels to debut this week, so I guess I need a snappy comeback for any "average" adult who has something to say about it.  Any suggestions? :)

1 comment:

  1. oh my, oh my. Well, this at least makes me proud of Kansas in that we weren't all judgmental on you for your height! But you probably didn't wear heels a lot back then. I would never think to say something like that to a tall woman wearing heels-every woman has a right to her choice of footwear and heels look good on any woman! Unfortunately I suck at comebacks so I hope you were able to think of a good one!
