Monday, February 27, 2012

Sad Day

Last week I took my dog to get her teeth cleaned and to get this lump removed from her muzzle that I had first noticed about a year ago. The vet told me to just watch it and if it got a lot bigger, they could check it out. It was a weird bump that would get bigger some days and smaller others. Well they sent the lump off to figure out what it was and called me back today. It's cancer. It was a malignant Stage 2 mast cell tumor. Because of its location, there really isn't too much that can be done. I am so sad.


  1. I went to your facebook page to find out more b/c I was going to ask if this was the older dog, but then thought better of it in case she had recently passed away and it would hurt to be reminded, esp at this time. It makes it even sadder that it's your younger dog b/c she should have so much life left. :( I'm so sorry, Heather, I can't imagine the sorrow of losing a fur baby.

    Does she act sick at all? What's her prognosis?

  2. Hey, we joke about the old dog all the time and how we wish she would go! But I know I will cry my eyes out if she does ever decide to kick the bucket.

    Isabelle doesn't act sick at all right now. She jumps, barks, runs, eats like a pig, and is just as cute as ever. I know the day will come when she does start to feel bad and act sick, and that's when we will have to put her down. They don't really know how long she has if we do nothing. But I can't afford to take her to Houston to see an oncologist and get chemo, and the vet could try to go back in and cut out more tissue, but that might not work and end up just mangling her face and paralyzing it. No thanks! So if we only have 6 months, or if we have a year, we will just try to enjoy what time we have left with her and make sure she is happy!

  3. Well, I'm glad her quality of life is so good so far. I pray she outlives Mitzi, at least!
