Saturday, January 8, 2011

Big Fat Loser!

For Christmas this year Michael got me the "Biggest Loser Challenge" game for the Wii.  I have slowly regained some of the weight I had lost and want to get it back off before I end up regaining ALL of it!  For a while we had a personal trainer coming to our school and working with a group of teachers after school.  Just when I was starting to see a difference, he crapped out on us and quit coming.  Then I continued walking and doing workout DVD's with a couple of the teachers.  Over the break that fizzled and I enjoyed Christmas snacks like crazy!

So now for the past two weeks I have gotten more serious about this, and have actually lost 6 pounds!  One of the reasons my weight was coming back on is because I had gotten back into the habit of eating snacks after dinner, in the evening.  Also, I used to drink pop just once in a while (maybe 1 or 2 times a month), and that became 1 to 2 times every few days.  Empty calories!  So, the past two weeks I have pretty much eliminated evening snacks (I broke down and ate some Oreos two nights in a row), and I am drinking tea instead of Coke.  I also have been doing my Biggest Loser workouts.

What I like about this game is that I actually *pour* sweat when I am doing the routines.  I have had the Wii Fit Plus since July, and those routines are very low impact and are fun, but not very effective.  The Biggest Loser game has several pre-set routines, and also personalized ones if you do the fitness test.  Everything is customizable.  There is also a wide variety of exercises and you can incorporate a balance ball if you have one.

What I don't like about this game is the constant switching of the remote.  Each exercise either has you switching hands, putting it in your pocket, or moving the balance board out of the way.  It can get kind of annoying.  Also, the remote doesn't respond well in some of the exercises, so then you have Bob and Jillian yelling at you to try harder when you already are giving it 110%.  That can be frustrating.

Overall though, I think it is a great game and will help you lose weight.  You have to do a weekly weigh in, just like on the show, and that is a motivator for me.  I don't want to be eliminated from the game!

So if you are looking for something new to help drop some holiday weight, you might give The Biggest Loser Challenge a try. (:

1 comment:

  1. Oh, so cool! If you lived closer I'd invite myself over to do the workouts with you. :) That's great you've already lost 6 pounds. The sucky thing is that I found them!! I started emotional eating for the first time in a long time this week and then I started getting depressed and when I weighed myself today, I was 5 lbs heavier than my ending weight in 2010. I'm doing much better now mentally but I've got to get back on track with my food now. I really want a Wii, only for the workout games like this! However, my need for a Kitchenaid trumps the Wii (dangit) so I'll have to just keep doing it old school by hitting the pavement. I do have a gym membership and could use that too, I just hate going there.
