Friday, January 21, 2011

Relay for Life

 It's that time of year again!  The time when I start begging for donations.  I am participating in the annual Relay for Life event that benefits the American Cancer Society.  My personal fund-raising goal is $100.  If you are able to donate anything I would greatly appreciate it!

You can either go to my personal page and click the "donate" option there, or you can mail me your donation.  Let me know if you need my address.  I have until the middle of April to collect all of my money.

There is also an option to order a luminaria for $5 if you would like to have one lit in honor or memory of someone who has/had cancer.  The luminaria ceremony is really neat.  They wait until dark and line the track with the luminarias and scroll the names of the people on a large screen. It's a very quiet and reverent time and makes you really think about all the people who are affected by cancer.  It's really amazing to see the number of people who have fought cancer being represented by all the luminarias.

Anyway, I would encourage you to attend a Relay in your area.  I am going to cease rambling now and thank you in advance for any support. :)


  1. Our budget is already blown for the month but you know I'll be donating again! You go, girl!
