Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Back when Myspace was king, I enjoyed blogging whatever I felt like on my Myspace blog.  Then Facebook took over and I stopped using Myspace and the blog that was hosted there.  So now I have decided that I will just start blogging on an actual blog site.

I'm sure most of this will be totally uninteresting to the general public and will serve more as a journaling outlet for me.  That's ok.  I'm not trying to sell or promote anything here.  I will probably be just as random with my postings as I was on Myspace.  Sometimes it was a personal rant, sometimes it was a product review.  I posted videos that made me laugh and stories that made me sad.

Anyway, it's a new year and I need to get off the computer and start on my New Year's Resolution.  I'll write more about that later.


  1. Girl, you should use wordpress! It's so much better than blogspot. For one, they have an email subscribe feature and if you don't get that, I will never check your blog. It's the only way I remember. And they also provide you with site stats so you can see how many views you get per day, week, month, year, all time, how many people subscribe, blah blah blah. It's not important but it is fun to see. Oh, and you can see what people search for that brings them to your blog! Anyway, let me know if you do that or if you figure out how to get an email subscribe button on this blog so I can check it out each time you post. Hugs!

  2. Well I have been using blogger for school since October and just thought it would be easier to have the blogs in the same place. But I found in my settings where I can sign people up for notifications and entered your email. I will look for a subscribe button for the blog when I am not supposed to be sleeping (like now). I've got all the stats type info on this blog like what you described. Thanks for the info!

  3. Oh, thank you so much! I just happened to check back to see if there were updates so I saw this comment. I'm glad I'll be notified. I know that feedburner (or is it feedblitz?) has a free one but I think it might be a pain to get the button--like complicated. I had a couple friends do it after I begged them and neither one could do it without help from a tech-savvy person.
