Saturday, January 15, 2011

They Make Me Look OLD

A little girl I have in one of my classes is pretty much blind as a bat.  After waiting a whole semester for her to get glasses, she *finally* got a pair!  The first week she was so proud of the glasses and would go on about how she could actually see.  Then this past week at school, her glasses haven't made an appearance once.  I asked her daily where those wonderful glasses were, and she kept telling me they were at home.  Once I helped her devise a plan to get those glasses to school each day, she finally blurts out, "I don't like those glasses.  They make me look old!"  Now, I have no idea how a 9 year old girl can possibly look old, so I made a deal with her.  I told her I would wear my glasses next week if she would wear hers, and that we could look old together.  She seemed to think that sounded good, so we will see if she keeps up with her end of the bargain! There is definitely never a dull moment in my profession. :)


  1. Bwahahahahaha! This is so much better than what I thought you were going to say: that she didn't want to wear her glasses because they made YOU look old! Now that she could see you. Bwah! I bet someone teased her about looking old--probably other kids. poor thing, being a kid is hard. You are such a kind teacher to offer to "look old" with her--I hope that helps her overcome her aversion to wearing them. Maybe if she gets some compliments while wearing them, that would help too. Hugs!

  2. I'm sure it was some rotten kid that told her she looked "old". I'm sure the kids will flip out seeing me in glasses, so I'm hoping if anything they'll be too preoccupied with telling me I look weird to bother her. Haha!
